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DGQ President - Germany


WZL | RWTH Aachen University Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering of RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing (IQS) and DGQ President

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmitt, born in 1961, completed his studies of Electrical Engineering with the specialisation on Communications Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and became research associate at the Chair for Metrology and Quality Management there. His work focused on production-related Metrology and Communications Engineering in an automated environment.

In 1997 Professor Schmitt moved on to MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG (commercial vehicles) in Munich where he took on leading positions in the fields of Quality and Production. In 2002 he assumed responsibility for the commercial vehicle production in Steyr, Austria.

July 1st, 2004, he was appointed professor at RWTH Aachen University. He is heading the Chair of Intelligence in Quality Sensing (IQS) at WZL, the production engineering institute. In 2005 he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT.

His research areas are in the field of information processing in metrology and data driven quality management.

Since 2021, Prof. Robert Schmitt has been President of the German Association for Quality.

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Until May 31st, 2024



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