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Visual Imagineer/Consultant, Bizzuals - Belgium


I call myself an energetic & multi-skilled creative centipede. At times also a writer, speaker, entrepreneur, illustrator, blogger, reader, dreamer, leader, freethinker, chef or… just an amazing father. But there is more … I’m founder of Bizzuals and architect of the 'Collaborative Visual Thinking' - concept. ( - As visual facilitator, visual trainer and -coach, being @ the intersection of Business Agility - Lean Startup and Design Thinking, my main observation is “People think they understand each other, but in reality it seems not always be the case.” - As an Imagineer and lean – agile transformation coach, I help people and companies in their journey to boost enterprise agility, break down organizational silos and increase employee- and customer engagement. I empower and inspire leadership and teams to build on one another’s ideas, foster collaboration, jump-start co-creation and boost innovation.

Over the last 10 years I have been working as a pragmatic “Enterprise Lean-Agile Coach”, supporting companies big and small in their improvement journeys in ever-changing markets - be it adoption of Agile mindset or thriving as a start-up

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Until May 31st, 2024



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